self help


What does it mean to have a great day? I think it means to feed your core desired feelings and really get a chance to feel those feelings to the point where they generate those good feelings right inside of you.
For me it can be simple things, and I think it is important to include simple things where it is not taking a lot of effort and it can be achieved very easily. It does not have to be elaborate or expensive or risk taking. The simple act of just sitting outside on my deck on a nice sunny day and enjoying the weather and the relaxation is enough to bring that feeling of joy. Lay in the hammock for awhile with the dog. Relaxation to the maximum and again a core desired feeling of joy. This is not a difficult thing to do, quite easy actually and very cost efficient but it will give me that feeling that I am looking for and helps to sooth my soul.
Another activity I did the other day was took my motorcycle out for a ride. It was early morning and not many people were out on the road. Nice and quiet, not much traffic but a great chance to just enjoy that freedom of being on the road and riding. See the core desired connection? Yes, it was freedom. A great feeling indeed and it invokes many positive vibes within your soul when you see the beautiful countryside slipping by and the sound of the engine purring as you cruise along.
What core desired feelings do you like to feel? Drop me a line and let me know.



Patience, is something that needs to be learnt and practiced. Not always so easy, and sometimes you have to stop yourself and seriously think about it and then reaffirm it and make yourself analyze the situation and then rethink and remind. Some of things I am trying to make myself do more of. I came to the realization that you need to be patient for various things, we cannot have everything right now. It just is not possible nor is it practicable. 

Things will come as they are needed. Sometimes you need that belief that it will come when it is ready and not until then. Maybe I am just not capable or equipped to handle something if it comes at the wrong time. We are part of a bigger picture and living in a world of energy. We have to interact with that energy and become in phase with it. Things will begin to happen then. 

Being patient is one of those, know when to pick your moments and when to take advantage of them. They will come and they will present themselves to you. You just have to be in tune and recognize them. That is being in that energy groove and watching for it to come. Somethings you cannot control and you will have to put it out there in the energy field and see what happens. Analyze your results and make changes to see what occurs next.

Patience, ahh what a virtue to have. When things are not going your way, you are failing at what you are trying to achieve, but you have to keep going, don't give up, don't walk away from it. Persevere, be PATIENT! It will come, just keep working on different approaches. Different tactics or however you would like to call it. But keep calm and stay in control. It really helps to write it down and to anaylze it. Patience teaches you control, knowing your own tendencies and how to handle these better.

He, verily, shall increase the reward of them that endure with patience. - Baha'u'llah

Tell me what your techniques are for handling patience. What do you do to stay focused?



Faith - My Word of the Year

A word, a word of the year. This year I have chosen "Faith". It has a lot to do with the Bahai Faith too. But it is much more than that as well. Faith to move forward, to find new things and to rejuvenate old things. Faith can be found
here. This is the description as per the dictionary. It resonates with me this year.

We all need faith I think, it is what can sometimes keep you going, when things get rough, it can sustain you and regenerate your inner being. Could it be one of the most important? I want to have faith in things to change and always bring you closer to what matters. This faith gives you a positive outlook and it gives you hope. Yes hope, there is another important concept, one that will help you to go on, forge forth, don't stop, don't give up. Have that faith in that it will all work out. It will if you have faith. Putting forward that positive vibration is what can make it happen. There are forces at work that we cannot see, but they are there, oh they are there. Putting your faith in these are important, in fact extremely important, it points to the fact that there is a higher power, something that is beyond us, something that is looking after us and watching over us. Call it what you will, I call it God, but it is all one and the same. Does it mean that the ulitimate is putting our faith in Him? This is probably the ultimate in faith. 

Faith can take many forms, faith in God and religion is one, but also faith in humanity to pull us through all the problems of the world that we have right now. Have faith in something, it might be one of the most important things that you can do for yourself. 

What do you have faith in? Post a response and let me know.


A Clean Slate

The Burning Question:

A clean slate, and what would I be more of if I let go of the past. So a cool fairy godmother just waved her wand and said here ya go, I am whatever I want from this day forward. So what am I going to be more of. Oh what a fun question and a really good one too. Makes you think what the hell have I been doing all this time?

Well, I think for me, take away that fear that would stop me from doing things and missing out on things, take that away and throw it in the garbage and be more outgoing and not miss out on experiences that I perhaps would really have liked to do. Damn that fear, it is such a sap on our energy. 

And secondly have more friends, lots of friends more than I have now, relationships are where it is at. People are great, there is greatness in everyone and it is fun knowing about them and what they do. Yeah, I like that one too. There is so much that can be done, when you know lots of people. 

Boy, I like this clean slate, this is real nice. I think what Danielle is trying to get us to think about is really what are we waiting for, why are we putting limits on things and what is stopping us, but our own silly beliefs and previous experiences. And you know what, she is absolutely right. If you can wrap your head around the fact that everyday is a new start and it is a clean slate each time you wake up and then what is stopping us? Not a whole heck of a lot is it?? What do you think?


Life Purpose

A life purpose. What does it mean to you? Do we all have this "life purpose" and what is it? Is it something that we were meant to do or something to be. Well I am going to attempt to answer a little bit of what I think what it might be in my estimation. And this pertains to myself as these sort of things are totally personal and different for every human being. 

The meaning of life is a philosophical question and one that can be something different for each person. From a Bahai perspective it breaks down to one concept. That is that we humans are put here to know and love God and to become closer to God. It is a never-ending journey and one which will lead through many worlds and experiences. This physical plane that we are now on is one of them. 

This quote by Baha'u'llah explains what that meaning is:

"The purpose of God in creating man hath been, and will ever be, to enable him to know his Creator and to attain His Presence. To this most excellent aim, this supreme objective, all the heavenly Books and the divinely-revealed and weighty Scriptures unequivocally bear witness."

Does this seem to simple? In my life, it is the most important purpose that I am here for. We are also here to do many other things but for life purpose as the underlying item. This is it for me. 

God has created us in his image and we are here to reflect those attributes in all things that we do and in how we deal with people. By growing spiritually is the way that we can fulfill this destiny and become who we should really be. The other part is service to humanity. The progress of humanity and unity of the human race is of paramount importance. As we can see in all that goes on in the world today, it so vital that tolerance and co-operation with one another is the way that we will advance.

Now, does everyday life get in the way? You bet! I am not perfect and lots of things these days pull you this way and that and try to gain your attention, how you filter this out and deal with these things is how your character will grow, and you will progress. Life's purpose, boy this has become a heavy subject has it not? Well like anything you do, just take it one step at a time and study and investigate for yourself and you will find the answers. 

Life can be beautiful and man's station in this journey is so incredible. Live it and work your spiritual self! 

Tell me what your life purpose is....


Faith. Our faith gets tested frequently. Faith in all sorts of things. Can I make it through this day? What am I going to do with this, or that?? Sometimes the questions flow quickly. And, sometimes the answers don't.

Well, my thoughts are, to first relax, trying to make any sort of rational decisions when emotions are involved is not a good choice. This also helps to pull away from the situation and see what other thoughts come up. Ideas can come from all sorts of places.

I had this exact thing happen to me just recently, I started thinking how am I going to meet my obligations on this and that. I was in a funk for a good part of the day, and I had to work to get myself out of it. Once out of it, some ideas started to come to me and I stopped trying to feel sorry for myself or angry as that just was not going to help the situation.

But its amazing once you relax, pull back, put your faith in a higher power, say a few prayers and things can start to happen for you. Opportunities will pop up and show themselves to you. Now you can start to experience change and grow as a person.

Anyhow a bit of positive thought, keep working your plan and it will come. Faith, I think there you have it. What do you think?

By the way, here is a Bahai prayer that can be used when you need assistance with tests. This is one of my favorites and it is easy to remember.

Is there any Remover of difficulties save God? Say: Praised be God! He is God! All are His servants, and all abide by His bidding! - The Bab.



Over the weekend I got to thinking after talking to some people and also just from personal reflection, that maybe we try to jam to much stuff in a day or month or what have you.

Why is that? I know that there can be a drive to achieve things but there is no point in driving ourselves ragged over it and then beating ourselves up over it later. I find myself doing that as well. And right now when I don't have as much direction as I would like, I find I need to tell myself to relax and don't sweat it. Its all small stuff! I think Tony Robbins may have said that one.

Our purpose is to serve humanity and to gain celestial perfection, not to accumulate possessions or gain fame. These are exterior manners only. Sometimes we need to pay attention to the inner being or reason for being here and our spiritual side. This is where true everlasting life lives. Not in this fleeting life. Now, not that there are things that we do here which are in consequential but just that there is a bigger purpose for each one of us. 

So for myself I kind of came to the realization that I don't need to go gung-ho on everything everyday, if I want to slack off a bit, that is ok. Its about giving yourself some permission to do those things and ahh that it is maybe the word of the day??? Permission. Permission to be ok with not having everything done on your to-do list and maybe being ok spending some time with your kids just doing their stuff. 

Permission, ahh yes, that is the word that I have been looking for. I find myself maybe in that mid life crisis where I am not sure what direction to take on certain things but the one constant is my Faith that one does not change and that is the anchor, all else is stuff. 

Don't worry be happy! Don't sweat the small stuff, oh yeah its all small stuff! As I work on these things it brings clarity and it tells me do what you like and not want you don't. I know these are cliche but it helps to solidify it in your own mind and writing it down like this really does that. 

How does it work for you?



I just wanted to post this little excerpt as I thought this was quite good. I have been wanting to start some visualization again and of course doing some soul searching but this may give me a nice jumping off point. I especially like the saying “this is a done deal!!”

Here is the link to the page.